Legal Resources

  • Child Support : Avoiding Conflict

    One of the most stressful issues to settle following a separation or divorce is often that of child support: how much financial support a child needs from each parent, and how it will be paid.

    Read More 24-07-2013   |   Resource   |   Simone Thomas
  • Reaching a Family Law Agreement Without Court Intervention

    One of the most common fears and misconceptions surrounding the family law system today is that every separating couple has to attend a Court to finalise their divorce, divide their assets, and make a...

    Read More 03-06-2013   |   Resource   |   Simone Thomas
  • Dying without a Will

    If you die without a valid Will it can be a complicated and time-consuming process for your family and loved ones, and could result in unnecessary expense and hardship for them.

    Read More 23-04-2013   |   Resource
  • School Holiday Dilemma - Who gets the kids?

    With Easter just behind us, and the school holidays looming, it can be a difficult time for separated families who have to juggle arrangements and decide how much time the children will spend with eac...

    Read More 10-04-2013   |   Resource   |   Simone Thomas
  • First Home Owners: Buy or Build in 2013?

    What factors do you need to consider when deciding whether to buy or build?

    Read More 15-02-2013   |   Resource
  • Back to School - Considerations for Separated Parents

    If your relationship with your spouse has broken down and there are school-aged children involved, you need to consider a number of issues.

    Read More 15-02-2013   |   Resource   |   Simone Thomas
  • Post Christmas Spike in Divorce Enquiries

    'Tis the season to be jolly?  Maybe only on the surface.  The harsh reality is that many couples stay together for the festive season then separate in the New Year.

    Read More 07-01-2013   |   Resource
  • Parenting Arrangements Following Separation

    The most important issues for families when a relationship breaks down concern the children – where will they live, how often will they see the other parent, who is responsible for the day-to-day deci...

    Read More 30-10-2012   |   Resource
  • Financial Disclosure In Property Matters

    “Duty of disclosure” is a legal requirement on the parties involved in a family law dispute regarding property issues to provide each other with all of the financial information relevant to their case...

    Read More 30-10-2012   |   Resource
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